Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Well hello again!

Sorry I have been MIA from blog world for over a month! Crazy, I know! I swear I have been zoo busy. We moved in to our house (see below for pics-I know I need to hang more stuff, soon I promise), we entertained my sister and brother-in-law, my brother-in-law and his wife, my in-laws, and all in different weeks. The hubs also deployed to Afghanistan (insert sad face). But the neighborhood hosted an awesome closing of the pool party where I met almost everyone. I'm sure I am missing all kinds of things to update you guys on, it will come to me slowly, but for now enjoy these pics!

front of my lovely home

back of the house

living room

dining room

love my kitchen (ordered a custom chalkboard for the desk area)

the hubs office (needs lots of work!)

my photos and some other bedrooms

the loft aka my tv lounge room

the master

master (hubs side) disregard the pillow under the bed ;)

master bath

Hope you enjoyed the pics! Promise not to neglect you for another month!


p.V.e said...

glad I happened to find your blog! Your house looks great! I can't wait to keep reading!

Emily said...

I'm new follower! What a beautiful home! I love it all :)

Hannah said...

thank you both! loving it also, lots of work still to be done :/

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