i'm lovin it!
i'm linking up with jame from this kind of love for my first...
i'm loving my husband (of course) he is sooo good to me and does an amazing job protecting this great country. not to mention he is quite the looker and i'm not biased am i? =)
he has such a love for his country, me, god, his family. he is the absolute best thing to happen to me, hands down!

the beau!
i am also loving the progress on our new home, should be moving in aug 22! this girl cannot wait! not to mention my sis and bro-in-law are making the 9 hour trip here to stay the week with us to get all moved in and we plan on showing them all this quant little spot in nc has to offer.
sis & bro-in-law
also lovin the new lia sophia fall line! check it out here
tunes of the week i'm lovin'...
try these out
last but certainly not least i'm loving all the teasers for the movie of the hunger games! i absolutely loved the books and cannot wait for the movie!
and remember what you cherish most, here is something i found on pinterest that suites my husband and me just fine!
Hey Hannah...I saw your comment on my blog, small world. I would love to get into medical sales--any insight on how I could get into this? Which company do you work for? I love your blog too! Happy Friday! :)
yay for hunger games! I seriously CANNOT WAIT for those movies! And your husband is so cute. thank you for all he does! You definitely have a lot of awesome things to be lovin'!
thanks sarah! glad to know i'm not the only one lining up for hunger games (did you hear lenny kravitz is playing cenna?) thanks for the kind words about the beau! i am blessed =)
Tell your husband thank you for serving our country =]
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