Coral Obsession, much? YES!
I must admit I am slightly obsessed with coral, especially during the summer months. I have everything from earrings, necklaces, shoes, dresses, belts, dresses, you name it I've got it! However, when I cam across these beauties, I couldn't help but drooling and whining like a little girl who didn't get her sucker at the doctor's office! Ha! What a sight, I know! I might need professional help, but I can't help myself.
Here are the wonderful things I found this morning compliments of fabulous Pinterest!
Yes please and thank you!
Source: via Jessie on Pinterest
I could definitely get some use out of this dress (even though I have one quite similar from Gianni Bini)
Def a piece you could use with more colors!
Source: via M on Pinterest
Love these for the house...
Source: via Allie on Pinterest
Loving this suit-any skin tone can pull this color off!
Source: via Amie on Pinterest
What are your favorite/go to colors of the summer season? Ok enough dreaming today, Happy Tuesday all, talk to you all on Hump day!
I am really loving coral, light blue, and my crisp white pants this summer!
Loving the white too! Especially my white Michael Kors skinny jeans (although when its 103 outside, that is the last thing I want to wear)! I might have to invest in some light blue, don't really have a lot if that color!
Just found your blog and im lovin it! so cute!
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