Born and raised in Nashville, TN, I am a 20 something southerner who loves to travel, read, shop, spend time with my family and friends. I am a nurse with a strong obsession for fashion!
New Year's Eve! I have a feeling 2008 is going to be a great year! Jeff and I will have moved in our new house and I will finish my 2nd degree. We celebrated the new year at my Aunt Barbara's house. All my cousins (with a few exceptions) were there. I love having my entire family together. And my sweet little Jessie is getting so big, already a sophomore in college at WKU. I am oh so proud of her! My Uncle Bob taught all his nieces how to Texas two step, a little strange for me being left handed and all I want to do everything opposite. And then we taught my Uncle George the soulja boy dance, very funny!!
Chris's birthday is New Year's Eve, so before the festivities started we celebrated Chris's birthday at The Sportsman's Lodge and then back to the house for a Coldstone ice cream cake, yummy! Here i Lincoln going crazy over "bubbles" that is what he calls balloons. He also loves chicken and french fries. Brian was telling us that he woke up about 3am the other day and screamed out "Chichen and french fries". I think that was a good dream! It is so funny to see him translate words.
Christmas morning!! Yay, I still love waking up at the crack of dawn and running out to see what Santa brought. Here are some pictures of Christmas morning, both at my mom's house and at the Campbell house. Notice Lincoln is still asking where Santa is! And the gift everyone has been waiting to see, my necklace!! Isn't is beautiful? I absolutely love it! My sister and Aaron are even bigger UT fans than I am so mom found these UT Santa hats and shirts. How cute. Also, a picture of mom's gigantic Christmas tree, I think it is like 9' tall or something!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
On Christmas Eve we always go to Brian and Trish's house to have Christmas dinner and exchange gifts between the Campbell bunch and Trish's family, the Simpkins. This was Lincoln's 2nd Christmas but his 1st one where he actually understood what was going on. After Santa left Lincoln kept asking "Where'd he go?" It was so cute! Here is also a picture of the "children" in the, Jeff, Jenny, Beth, Kevin, Brian, Trish and Lincoln.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Before our annual trip to TN for Christmas we enjoyed a night with Jennifer and exchanged gifts. Our trip only took us a little over 4 hours this time which is really good because getting through Atlanta and Mt. Eagle generally takes a while. Once we finally made it on the 22nd, we met up with Chris O and his girlfriend Jeannie (hope I spelled that correct). Chris moved to Seattle after graduating from art school at SCAD. Jeff and Chris have been friends since they were like 10 years old and Kevin and Brandon (both Jeff and Chris' little brothers) naturally became friends. We enjoyed a night out at Tin Roof 2 in Franklin. You probably can't tell in the picture of all the boys that Kevin is kneeling down to fit in the picture. Kevin and Brandon are both almost 6'5! I feel like a midget around the two of them!
I also got in some much overdue dad-in-law/daughter-in-law bonding with Gary. When I learned he got a lathe for his birthday I got excited. I have always been drawn more toward "men's work" than housework (for lack of better terms). Gary and I made an ink pen out of a piece of maple wood. It will be a memory and a pen I will always treasure. It was so funny because Gary and I were out in the garage woodworking and Jeff and his mom Chris were inside making baked ziti...did I ver mention that Jeff is an excellent chef! :)