Wow, we have been very busy around here. Jeff has been flying pretty much every other day and of course they are at odd times which makes jetlag kick in for him. He actually had to schedule some time off just to sleep. I am still busy at school and work. I did finally get some new glasses, now maybe I can see more of the world a little clearer. Jeff's parents just bought a new house closer to their 1st grandson and near their office. They are getting thier house ready to sell right now. My mom is still busy with everything. Who knows what is going on there. Michelle (my sister) is still working for DCI and travels quite often all over the US to different clinics. Brother is getting ready to move back to Virginia Beach, VA; he says that he feels at ease there and it is where his heart is. Brian andTrish are getting ready to celebrate Lincoln's 1 st birthday. What a treat. Kevin is doing well in the auto industry, he gets promoted like once a month or something, I don't even know what he does there anymore, at this rate he will own the dealership before too long. My best friend Jennifer and I have gotten a lot closer these days since she made the move to WR. Who would've thought that best frinds growing up together would both end up in the same place. Our good friends Kris andMichelle are going through a difficult (personal) time right now so if you would do me a favor and keep them in your prayers.
Jeff, Hannah and Cosmo
Me and Jeff

Me with my new glasses

Brother Bear

Kris and Michelle

Jennifer, me and Michelle

Jenn and Clint

My scar after surgery in December