Born and raised in Nashville, TN, I am a 20 something southerner who loves to travel, read, shop, spend time with my family and friends. I am a nurse with a strong obsession for fashion!
Here we are bringing in the new year with some of our friends and family in Nashville. Here I am with Stevie, Jessica, Bonnie and Laura. And the cute guy in the rocking chair is my baby brother Adam.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
So, ever since we got married I have been pestering Jeff to let me get a pet. Someone to be here with me since he's on deployment most of the time. He finally agreed to a baby kitten that my boss' wife rescued from a storm drain. Here is Cosmo (named after Kramer from Senfield, because Cosmo loves to watch that show) tearing up our Christmas decorations. Isn't he adorable!
This was on our trip back up north before Jeff got deployed again. It seems like he just got back, doesn't it? We went to visit Jeff's grandmom in NJ and my dad in DC. Here we are looking at the amazing Korean War statues (which my stepdad fought in). These statues are so life like.
Here is Brian and Trish, (Jeff's older brother and sister-in-law) on the 4th of July. Little did we all know that they are preparing for the first little bundle of joy in our family.
Great news, Lincoln Tyler was born on March 20, 2006 @ 1:57am. Lincoln and mommy are doing great. He was an amazing 10 lbs and 21 inches long. Ouch!
Wow! What is this? Jeff's dad in a foreign made vehicle?? Jeff's dad and younger brother came to visit us at the Car Show in Atlanta in April of 05. Here is the man that beleives on GM vehicles are made by God. Gary I think I have blackmale on you (doesn't that seat say Infiniti?)
Well, this would have been our first holidays together as a married couple, but Jeff was serving ou country overseas at the time. He did make it back on February 4 2005. We had big plans to go to visit our families and then take a vacation to one of our favorite spots on Hilton Head Island, SC. Our vacation was delayed a little because my step-dad passed away on February 10. This picture is of us on Valentine's Day on HHI just before dinner.